More updates coming soon


Since I haven’t written in a wile I have a lot to tell you. I made some updates already and tomorrow I will tell you about Frejas birthday. But now I have to go to bed before I fall asleep and hit my forehead on the keyboard. ; )


Friday the 19th of February

Got up of the sofa and started preparing the birthday party. Freja helped with the baking…at least with the cleaning part. : )

Sunday – Thursday


I got sick…again, this time it was tonsillitis. Had to spend 4 days laying on the sofa watching TV and feeling terrible. I had a high fever and didn’t have the strength to do anything.


Luckily I didn’t spread the infection to Fredrik and Freja.


Saturday the 13th of February

Started to prepare for Frejas birthday. Freja got to pick the theme: Spiderman!

Sick day


Thursday afternoon I had such a stomach ace I had to leave work early and today I stayed home. I guess it was some kind of stomach flue. First I was in pain and then I was exhausted even toe I slept about 10 hours. Now I feel much better and hopefully I will have my strength back tomorrow to be able to go shopping for Frejas birthday party next Sunday.


A relaxing weekend and good news


We had a really good time at the spa. We ate a nice Japanese meal and relaxed by washing the Japanese way before spending an hour in a hot tub outside in the snow. After a some sleep it was time for the best thing about sleeping in a hotel, breakfast. ; )


It was very nice to spend some time together just me and Fredrik. I had absolutely no guilt about leaving Freja because she had looked forward to spending the night at her grandparents just as much as we had looked forward to our trip. : )


Then how about the good news…we stopped at Barkarby Outlet outside of Stockholm and discovered that they had opened a Tommy Hilfiger outlet!! It almost felt like being back in Korea. Jeey!! : D


Time for a getaway

My birthday gift for Fredrik was a night together at a Japanese spa. Tomorrow we will leave Freja at my parents and head for Hasseludden in Stockholm. Really looking forward to it. : )


Feeling better


This week Freja and Fredrik had to stay home, because Freja had bronchitis…again.


She had it for over a month before Christmas but got completely well during the holiday. Then she got it again after a couple of weeks in kindergarten. She had it a couple of times before. It seems she is very sensitive for it.


But now she is feeling better and next week it’s back to kindergarten. : )


Freja loves jigsaw puzzles

Freja wasn’t interested in jigsaw puzzles before but she got some new ones for Christmas and suddenly she wants to play with them all the time. She can even do them by her self, which makes her very proud. : )


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