En suddig bild på min hostande pepparkaka som åkte till förskolan för att vara med på luciafirandet. Väldigt glad och väldigt söt. I år lyckades hon till och med sjunga. : )
Välkommen hem mamma
Medans jag var bortrest ritade Freja en teckning till mig. Den föreställer henne och Shishi. : D
Frejas helg
Little miss sunshine har köpt en ny leksak för sina sparade pengar, följt med pappa på loppis och haft dansuppvisning. Dessutom var hela familjen på betessläpp och såg en massa glada kor. : )
Friday 4/3 - 2011
This week is a winter holiday in most parts of Sweden. Unfortunately we couldn’t take the whole week of but we had one day of activities. These are some pictures of our fun day together. : )
Pony party!
Today Freja had a birthday party for her friends, her real party as she said. : )
I spent hours making a cake shaped as a stable with three pony heads sticking out. Unfortunately I forgot to take a picture of the cake before we started cutting it so you have to take my word for it when I say it both looked and tasted really good. : )
21/2 -2011 Frejas birthday!
Not a big girl this week
Freja spent the last week with a bad cold. She had fever, coughed a lot, didn’t want to eat and spend most time in my lap. Now she’s ok again and will go back to kindergarten on Monday.
The best thing about being sick…you get to spend all day dressed in pyjamas, watch movies and eat candy in the middle of the week. : )
Freja´s bike
Mummy’s little helper
My car is being repair so instead of going to kindergarten Freja got to stay home with me. We spent the day cleaning and preparing for Fredrik’s birthday party tomorrow.
Freja is staring to get really helpful, especially when we are baking. : )
Our big girl
I just have to show you some pictures of Freja who is growing so fast.
Big news
Freja quit her pacifier and celebrated with an ice-cream before we went to by the bike we promised her. A very happy day! : )
Bye, bye, kindergarten
A new favourite
Freja loves necklaces and bracelets. Now she discovered she can make her own. : )
Mummy, take a picture of me
The world´s cutest troll?
Yesterday Frejas kindergarten had a performance. The children sang songs about the woods and were dressed-up as trolls.
Princess charming
Freja is really trying us right now; she can have tantrums were she screams for 20 minutes and then when she calms down she’s the most charming girl in the world…our charming little princess. : )
Today was a good, or bad, example of her behaviour. We had dinner at McDonalds and she was on her best behaviour, happy and charming. When we were about to leave she had a really bad tantrum, threw herself on the floor, screamed and when I carried her outside she kept on screaming. I was so embarrassed I just wanted to leave her there on the parking lot. Not charming at all.
The worst part is I don’t even know why she got angry…
Last Friday
The sky was gray and rain was pouring down. But Freja was in a great mood, skipping and smiling. Some days I love her extra much. : )
Freja the Easter witch
Playing in the snow